Going home 2 days after major surgery to care for a newborn should be illegal
So jealous of those who have Parents doing daycare.
I think I’m starting to hate my husband.
When did you stop thinking “oh yeah. You are my child!”?
Burst blood vessel in the eye?
Losing Weight Postpartum is Easy
Friends without babies?
I owe so many moms an apology.
Genuinely scared of my 1 month old waking up
Teachers "raise" children?
Naming a baby the same name as MIL's old dog
I despise my name and so do 90% of the people in this sub
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive my husband for the way he treated me postpartum
Still have not bonded or formed an attachment with my 5 month old, can anyone relate?
Is baby a weird pet name?
People who truly regret their children are bad people
Does anyone regret having the unplanned child (especially due to financial reasons)?
Battle to get dressed every day
Y’all! Make sure you take selfies with your family and have your spouse take pictures of you with your kids!
What do you actually do when visitors come to see newborn?
How do I sharpen pencils like this without ruining them??
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…
New Parents… Someday..
First time father - What are the must knows for sure?
Confession: sometimes I mute the baby monitor