A round of Gwent?
Looking back, why did Leon want to leave Ben locked up to die?
I'm Disappointed in this Game...
How is the Blue Marlin model this small?!?
why do they take these off for the end scene?
Who you got beef with? Could include monsters as well
Who knows of the marriable npcs from Markarth? I want to free a beautiful dame from the stone bed life!
sasha in boxes
Girl literally just turn around
REV2 Remake
Why did my Redd painting change?
Eavesdropping Conversation
I don’t think we should celebrate a bad guy that died
Someone not being able to make themselves understood in english pisses me off
Screw the Wesker Volcano boss fight.
anyone need diy’s?
Why was The Merchant in RE4 cockney?
Any thoughts about this webtoon?
What does Eorlund say (when asking us to deliver Aela's shield) if you completed Missing in Action first?
Can we guess which villager has this vacation home?? 🤔🍎 lol
This arc is probably the closest to body horror we’ll get. Takahashi is a genius for this
Anyone else question ada's designs?
Villager house remodel question
Sherb in boxes
sending mail to friends when i tt