I asked my boyfriend to peel me an orange
Are you really a groomer if you don't have multiple bevs?
Every time I pass this I yell “KINKY BLAZE”
finally had the chance to made my own pencil case to my liking. not yet finished tho
Came home to find a slice of cheese slapped onto my tailgate
Scars looks at stars
I made a Clancy themed Spider-Man suit
Why do some couples like watching their partner have sex with someone else?
Songs that make Reddit cry..
What’s the difference between “so bad it’s good” movies and just “bad” ones?
This little baby from work
What's something that some people have that they don't realize is a huge flex?
What’s your favorite curse word on Reddit?
My request Tarrence 💙 before and afters
Received my Certificate today
What is this skull belong to? Found on the beach
just wanted to share this dewclaw i saw today🤣
It’s September!
Found on instagram. Hate it.
Is it just me or is that a weird response in many ways
I’m doing to Donald, anyone want anything?
Can anyone help me determine Bindi's sex? He/she is about a year old, but I am unsure of weight. Thanks!
I caught a triangle in the sky
some pics I took last night in Oakland I want to share with you all!!!!