Looking for opinions: should I quit?
Be careful when visiting Kiwi Liquor on K Road…
What is something you wish to have in NZ?
Infj tired of their extroverted side
Running from city campus to Grafton
If you had to name your child after an Auckland train station/stop, what would you choose?
Free water at McDonald's Pt Chev?
I don't get how most people start their romantic relationships with physical contact first, emotional / mental connection second
Do I get paid as a PhD student without a scholarship at UoA?
How do you deal with aggressive/ unreasonable people in your community?
Where are Australians liked/loathed the most in New Zealand?
Auckland school hires rapist closely related to principal
What to do about drunk a***holes on public transport
Any Other INFJs Feel Like They Intimidate Others?
Do any other INFJ feel like their opinions just utterly annoy everyone else?
Te reo immersion floor in Waiparūrū halls of residence
How do you feel when your partner(s) flirt with other people in front of you/ what do you think about this situation?
Let's talk about the saying, "you won't be happy in a relationship or with others until you're happy alone."
Person I really like is moving away
How many of you wrote in journals throughout your life?
Fellow INFJs, how do you express creativity?
Does anybody ever think of transferring to a different uni? Why/why not.
I feel like i might be too self-absorbed to be an INFJ?
UOA Students, what has been your worst experience with a class/lecturer during your time at uni?
Any secondary teachers here?