Cat Thermometer says it’s hot in here.
He will do this for as long as we let him.
What is your” old man yells at clouds” type rant now that we are firmly entrenched in middle age?
How can I bring birds into my yard
Sparrow-B-Gone! for BirdBuddy Finally Available!
Drama at the feeder!
Looking for a novel that is considered one of the best of all time but is still readable for a 17 year old
How have I never noticed this?!
Is this a boy or a girl? Can’t tell if it’s a girl or a neutered boy
He won’t stop knocking over the spices. We don’t know how to keep him off the shelves, or out of the cabinets.
Days since last ladder extraction: 0
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I produce concerts in the area and want to know: what musicians would you like to see play a show in the Hudson Valley?
Bird Buddy decline
Looking for logo feedback please!
What a fantastic pose on this red winged black bird. I feel like I won the bird lottery with this pic!
House Sparrow vs Carolina Wren. Which do you guys prefer?
Extra camera
Niche horror books, storylines you didn't think someone could think of.
Why are the claws so crooked? Is it bad for him?
2 male cats fighting, help!
I love this photo - from the torpedo to the tuft ❤️
Suggest me your favorite book that's outside of my comfort zone
Let me draw your cats part 2!
This made me giggle