First camping trip with my son in the 2025 Tundra
First boat primarily for ocean use?
Best rig for jetty fishing Sand Bass?
2025 Tundra towing a 30’ trailer?
Any questions for a Jewish person?
If you could add one feature to K8s, what would it be?
Anyone know what kind of fungi is growing at the base of our jasmine?
Day of Atonement as healing and not appeasement
A few questions about Chaplaincy
I want to go to church, but I'm not religious
It’s getting serious you guys!
Is your makefile supposed to be a justfile?
We engage in a sport where you can get eaten at any time by a 20 foot sea monster and we all just sort of accept it as part of the deal
Theopneustos as life-giving not God-breathed in 2 Tim 3:16
What is the mechanical process of being God-breathed?
Mid-length: Got a good one?
Capitalization of Logos
Milky Way showing up nicely on vacation in Maui (Shot on iPhone)
Visiting and staying with “married” homosexual family? What would you do?
If God wants us to believe in him, why doesn't he make his presence obvious?
What points to Homosexuality not being a sin?
struggling with homosexuality
Atonement theories. Where do you stand?
Plain Kubernetes Secrets are fine
What Preacher would you recommend?