An Updated (and Detailed) Explanation of The Lore
Political MegaThread: Trump signs executive order banning transgender athletes from women's sports
Songs that namedrop the album but arent named after the album
Besides TØP, what music do yall listen to?
Who is this for you??
What are Everybody’s Favourite Underrated Bright Eyes / Conor Oberst Songs?
Elon Musk Is President
They're breaking the law, asshat
Ya'll tired of winning yet?
Found when I first ever listen to H•A. Think I might be an OG.
I wonder if Tyler struggles with substance abuse
You guys need to fix your savior complex
Who are you rooting for?
So funny how Akira chose the 3 black women as his least favorite people 🤣
Genre in the title that isn't the genre of the song
My tier ranking of Beast Games contestants
Did they used guitar in trench ?
Since the decade is halfway over, what's your album of the decade so far? I'll start, mine's Imaginal Disk
Rank the albums off the Final triology
Dexter new blood
It's making me so sad and tear up seeing all the concert photos and videos knowing that I'm probably never gonna see them live :'(
Should Tyler bring back the guitar?
Bright Eyes album ranking/tier list?
Songs that are just somebody's name
Victoria o week