Can we not?
Wasn't Asa in Data analytics??? Um since when did je become an editor?
James Allen Partnership
Just watched the latest vlog on Mindy's channel (new year, new baby) and...
Mindy doing the “texting my brother updates” trend
Bailey and Asa “living” abroad
Why do you think Brooklyn is more of a “poster child” than Bailey?
This woman is crazy
Are they hiring a babysitter?
Brooklyn on leave and more bailey is a positive to me
Golden Child
wtf is this 😭
Anyone know what meme they’re referencing when they say they’re a famous meme?
Chance of Passing FAR
Does anyone know what Dakota’s necklace is? B for Brooklyn? An LDS thing?
The twins in stock videos
How did kamri get into med school??
This is so random but did Rylan get masseter botox? Her face significantly slimmed down in the last month and I don’t think it’s from weight loss
dorm room
Momfluncer in full swing
During the “names we won’t be using video,” Brooklyn said the name had a “southern cowboy classy longer name vibe.”
the Fall of Matriarch Mindy