I need help buying the trader table
If somebody is in Defensive and they are attacking me shouldn’t they come out of defensive?
"Too late for that, mask ain't gonna save you now" 😷
Random void out graphic?
What is this style of poster called? I remember seeing for some movies and cover magazines a while back
What are we putting in our shine..
Norman, on Norman’s bike.
What actually happens game wise if you will not burn dead corpse?
When can you change Sam's suit color? And can you ever change Sam's hairstyle back to without a pony tail?
This is the real reason for urinate function of this game
Finally got invited to my first player bounty.
Multiple bounties atop Mount Hagen
Pretty please R*?
Free aim servers for PC?
We need a glitch to save the NightStalker outfits asap.
No smoking in 1899? Right...
how do i convert my game to pc ?
I keep trying to get hat shots but keep accidentally shooting innocent folk in the face. I’m not asking for tips or anything, just sharing.
We were trying to get to the penitentiary
A little trick for yall traders out there😎
This is the highest point in Saint Denis I’ve seen any player reach. Conquered it today. As far as I know I’m the first to do it.
Tiny church in Bayou NWA view #2.
Is there a spreadsheet for all the collectors item sell prices?