Thank you Larian Studios for giving me unlimited power
I made a tempering overhaul mod.
Do you rebind f10?
When you start talking to your boyfriend like he’s a toddler
Why do people hate cheese so much?
Why are extra turn spells so good?
"California is FULL, there is NO SPACE to build!"
In Wings of Liberty, you know. I didn't realize it at first because it was right in my face.
Upgrades/Tech persist through campaign expansions?
A full expansion is worth 33 marines
To the Dead of Night "I def" crowd:
A thought I had in the shower.
Me as an M3 clown got a surprise promotion today :)
High-Impact TvP Tactic #2
SC2 has basically become mineral harrassment.
Do you game when tipsy or drunk?
Any other games that play like SC2's campaigns?
Every single one of you carries a loaded revolver beneath your driver's seat and every single one of you knows why!!!
He deserves this.
Critical Anti-Protoss Tactic
Terran made, Archons?
A guy was a jerk to me via chat during the game. I told him to calm down, and once the game was over he was actually really nice and apologized. Good on you, bud. Hang in there.
Anyone had luck with a gaming keypad?
carriers good
What if EMP round work differently?