What does Jordan Peterson think about Elon Musk impregnating multiple women?
13 year old kid gets bored while playing World Number One Garry Kasparov 🤯
Muslim thinks it’s ok that an older man finds teenagers attractive…😬
Man bench press in Ego and gets almost choked
Pickleball Knockout
📈 China’s Nuclear Energy Boom vs. Germany’s Total Phase-Out
Lower back pain on squats
As a fan of J.P. since 2016, this gave me a good laugh.
North Korean POW being interrogated by Ukrainian military
Pull up formcheck, started from nothing 3 months or so ago.
My mom always breaks spaghetti into pieces
Nice start to the year…
Dumbell Flies
Donald Trump thinks Israel is too small.
Student at Bangladesh University of Textiles beaten and paraded around for mentioning Muhammad's marriage to Aisha on Facebook.
Does anyone know what this is on my foot just appeared randomly?
The Agony Of Unrealised Potential
80 lb dumbbell incline press critique (29M, 170 lbs, 5'9)
Good poker players, this is what awaits you when you decide to crush in cash game
105kg of front squat
What is your opinion on Iraq lowering the age of marriage from 18 to 9?
Stop saying GG is rigged
JP mocks the fact people think Elon doesn't know what he's doing "How many rocket ships have you sent to Mars?"
M/18/6ft/ 18 months of training
Jordan B Peterson: You Probably Would Have Been a Nazi