My Yoga teacher made me cry today
I can’t sleep, am I alone?
“I lose girls since I’m a nice guy”
I didn’t just loose my mom when she died, I lost so much more
My dad forgot our plans, and I’m heartbroken
I just realized how much my mom really loved me
Is duolingo a game?
Has anyone actually gotten the 30 truck deliveres in 30 min achievment?
My screentime on hayday today….
You’re in Hell. What’s on TV?
Why go to yoga classes if the only thing you do is complain?
At what school subject do you suck the most and what are you the best at?
Has anyone else here lost a parent?
Can men and women really have a 100% platonic relationship?
Pannekaker til middag
Is it normal that my four day old sourdough starter smells bad?
What's your type??
What are you addicted to?
Are all Norwegians the same person?
Altså eg blir nesten deprimert av bilder som dette. Tenk at Bergen var så mykje finare før.(Utenom bilane parkert på festplassen)
Noen andre som har en far som hater bybanen?
Tanker om Rema 1000
What scares you most about getting older?
What’s the dumbest comments you have heard of from people talking about your country
Does cycling makes you feel alone ?