Cammy mains, what are your thoughts about od spin knuckle nerf?
What Was The Breaking Point For Circa’s “Hiatus”?
Avarage mr based stream
Will Abel Bring The Weeknd back At Some Point?
The Weeknd + Hayley Williams collab would be amazing
whats ur guys biggest paramore hot takes?
Based back on YouTube
Based talking shit about parti
Mr. Based's YouTube channel was taken down again
Clive's Fate...
MenaRD thinks removing drive rush makes SF6 a better game
i listened to all of their albums for the first time, in order
Do you think Josh will ever end up in prison or a mental institution?
Where does Josh stream?
Breaking B-A-N-N-E-D
Lmao a better POV
Second time he’s got aggressive in the airport today
Anyone else just feel...tired after playing?
Two Dreams Opinion Poll
The trend of abuse
Based acts like a neutered dog with Doherty around.
4 people 4 phones all enjoying each others company
How Long Did It Take To Play Final Fantasy Mode After Beating The Game?
Does Streaming Older Games, Before 2022 Help With Growth?