MAGA is going to Murphy Event
Mid War US Airborne
Game's not gonna change for the weak
Turning French cavalry from Black Powder Epic Scale to Austrians - advice?
I don't write nothing down 😠🤟
Missionaries of the Black Grail
BDE - Marion Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, humanitarian, translator, wife of Elie Wiesel, dies at 94
When and why did the role of the court fool or jester fade from European nobility?
Heavy on the side eye
Something I've noticed
Conservative Jew, feeling "left out" among Modern Orthodox
He’s lucky I didn’t lick his fuckin’ asshole
Jamaal Ginsberg.
Where the ultramarines always the poster boys for the setting? If not, who was?
The Katyusha joins my Soviet forces!
Just moved to Connecticut. Any local spots we can bring our board games to and find a group to play with?
It's called the kingsguard, T. It means I gotta protect the queen so that she don't gotta deal with nobody. Took an oath and everything.
He had tony shaking in the kitchen
Inherently leftist wargames?
Devils in “Greatest Logo” final vs. Detroit
They Finna have a field day w this one
Will the media call this another questionable salute?
Question that bothers me constantly
How did P.T. Barnum and other circuses in the 1800s and early 1900s get exotic animals transferred across the Atlantic or Pacific before the development of modern tranquilizers?
Musk-Salute Megathread