Which show improves MASSIVELY after first few episodes or season.
I have a question about Julie (s03 spoiler)
What is the most decadent thing you do?
You're stuck in Fromville, what do you bring to the table?
nya~~!! hewwo! i am ______, and i'ww be ur sewvant fow today!! ;3
Make a joke/reference that I won't get just now
I just found out this sub exists
what is one way you don’t want the show to end?
What is everyone’s favorite season?
I love _orn.
The Narc
The real reason Victor can't remember shit
You think these would kill you?
Bob Kirkland
Alternate RJ
most clever ending?
Secret millionaires
what characters rub you the wrong way?
say something only your fandom would understand
made some Psych friendship bracelets!
What’s a Show so Deep, That You’re Still Thinking about it Years Later?
Post Series Depression
Which characters do you wish we saw more of or knew more about their story?
If you were stranded on a desert island with one of the following, who would you choose and why?
Thinking of watching Castle for the first time