Day 46: Top comment removes a state
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
What would you call this?
Actor who acts the same in every movie, but it doesn't get tiring
Bryan Blvd Inbound - Traffic
Inspired by Whose Line is it Anyway: Things you can say about video games that you can’t say about your partner
What type of car does my best friend drive?
It's 2am, do you open the door?
Trump Returns To a Bizarre Obsession in Midnight Message: ‘Get Rid of Windmills!’
Who did I piss off the most?
Looking for old man names for this dude
Still untitled. What do you see/feel?
Having serious regrets on a manic purchase. Do your worst.
What is this?
Anyone else see this weird rainbow anomaly in the sky today?
A billionaire has challenged you to become a top 10 athlete in any sports within a year with a 1 billion USD reward. He will provide everything that you need: money, house, food, doctors, coaches, etc. What sport would you choose?
Lunch for 20 people
Whats a song that always puts you in a good mood no matter what?
I was just gifted this
The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C, made with upcycled kitchen items. My favorite commission yet.
$1000 if you can guess what my Tumblr username was (2012-2014)
What's going on on wendover?
How important is sex to you in a relationship? Could you be with someone you love even if sex was off the table indefinitely?
Mom died today I want to cry, make me cry with your suggestions.