ELI5: why is air blown out through pursed lips feels cold, while air from an open mouth feels warm?
Booking for people who might not turn up....
Bringing extra visitors in
Anything similar to Acron?
Change to cloth scoring?
Is there an optimal weight for an object being thrown for distance?
Going rate for the tooth fairy? Daughter got her first wobbly tooth.
Did you know any celebrities before they became famous?
Rich people and "income" loans
Tracking down an account HMRC say I have
Movies featuring mostly (or all) black actors that isn’t about being black.
Staying with parents for Christmas. Quick question.
I feel like a lot of people underestimate how tough Xenomorphs are.
ELI5: what is the science behind the idea of letting batteries run fully flat 1-2 times to improve their longevity?
Is the men's reaction to cold a childhood conditioning?
They've managed to make everything wrong with this house.
To the Ming, ETC, Hogger, Sylv & BW I just played in ARAM...
Yorkshire Water are claiming that I am using nearly 2000 litres a day!?
When Scroll of Sealing hits as hard as Pyroblast (2200+ dmg!)
In your opinion which actor played the best Joker?
Does overall fitness affect calories burned?
Why does "your password is too similar to your old one" not have a option like "that's okay, I will take responsibility for this choice"?
What are the chances this is asbestos?
ELI5: Why is an air bubble injected into your bloodstream so dangerous?