Post WWE SmackDown Discussion Thread - February 21st, 2025!
Sexiest Albums of All Time?
Top 5 Metal albums of the 90s in your opinion?
What are your top 5 Rock albums and top 5 Metal albums of the 2000s?
What are your top 5 Rock albums and top 5 Metal albums of the last 15 years?
Thoughts on The Horrors?
Best album this decade (so far) in your opinion?
Rock is in a fantastic state right now
[NJPW spoilers] Female audience watches in horror
Which of these 2 iconic early 2000s rock songs has the better piano riff?
Are there any established artists that you think dropped the 'best song of their career' this year?
What's the coolest song lyric?
[WON] WWE talent are reportedly expected to be making more appearances in indies over the next year.
Every 2024 album I listened to so far, what am I missing?
What are your top 10 albums of the 2000s?
Songs where chorus is only played once
Post Match Thread: Bayern Munich 9-2 Dinamo Zagreb | UEFA Champions League
Randy Orton on Bash in Berlin kickoff: “I just signed a 5 year extension to my contract”
Pickfords reaction to Shaqiris attempt on goal from the corner kick
[Smackdown Spoilers] King of the Ring Final set
WOR: Ratings for the 5/20 Issue, including NJPW Resurgence, AEW, AJPW Champions Carnival Final
What's the best video package ever made?
Smackdown before EC spoilers
SquaredCircle's Top-100 Matches of All-Time: #80-71
[SmackDown Spoilers] Huge announcement for Seth Rollins' challenger at WrestleMania XL