Politische Ähnlichkeit von Parteien nach Wahl-O-Mat-Thesen
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AITA for telling my wife she has to stay home to watch the kids until she replaces the nanny she fired because I WORK from home.
Recomandare Smartwatch?
ELI5: Why does a second last... well... a second?
[OC] Wind Speed Vs Wind Power
Was waren die besten Filme des Jahres?
What is a depressing truth you have made peace with?
If Wakanda has Black Panther, what does your nation have?
My interpretation of Munich's COVID-19 numbers
If Trump loses today, he'll be the first president in 40 years leaving with less people employed than when he first assumed [OC]
Great Looking Tables: gt (v0.2)
Write a function in R to group factor levels by frequency, then keep the 2 largest categories and pool the rest in “other”
Good work Bavaria (Mobility report - thanks to Google)
[OC] major COVID outbreaks outside China & South Korea
China apologizes to the family of docter Li Wenliang who warned the world about COVID-19
Saturday Night Epidemiology: Grab your wine and snacks, ready your questions, and ask your favorite epidemiologist questions about the next few weeks. Kate Zaiger, AMA Saturday 03/21/2020 9pm EST r/china_flu
This aint his first rodeo
Coronavirus: Die Testkapazitäten in Deutschland müssen sofort und massiv erweitert werden, so dass jeder, der einen Test für sich für sinnvoll hält, ihn in wenigen Stunden durchführen lassen kann!
Almost 200 countries, 4 categories. What are they?
Auto-updating, queryable corornavirus dataset with daily cases, deaths, and recoveries in every location that has reported cases
[OC] Fuel stats for my first car in Germany - Kia Picanto - trends and histograms on Google Sheets
An article, passage from a book, a quote... is there a tiny bit of text that has had a powerful, immediate affect on your consciousness?
[D] Using machine learning to predict video game review scores.