Would you like it if your partner announced when you are about to finish?
What’s the best way to get your attention?
Why are you currently awake?
Last time you had sex ?
So, what is it about the gray sweat pants?
Men do you prefer to watch videos involving a guy with a larger dick or does it not make a difference?
Do you like kissing with a little or a lot of tongue?
Are you looking forward to the 14th?
Do you find that alcohol makes sex more exciting, or does it make things a bit messier?
I think it’s time for a party. What song would you like to hear?
What is the best breakfast food?
Neck kisses or ear kisses?
This is my first post here, so please be extra kind to me. I hope I can fit in here. I’m a wild red-haired girl who loves coffee☕️
My veiny mommy tits
What’s the most unique place you’ve had sex
I have 7 Stanley cups, how basic am I?
What’s a new sexual experience you had recently?
What’s your comfort food after sex?
Explain your current sex life with an emoji?
Have you ever had sex with a disabled person?
What the longest time someone has given you oral?
Best sex advice you’ve ever been given?
Never have I ever......
Alana Cho - News Doggy !!!
Have you met anyone on Reddit in person? If not, how close were you?