No screen time. All the plot relevance.
What would happen to the AA storyline if this was canon?
Mods, ban every fake fan who gets it wrong
Chie got a bit too silly and a bit too hungry
reddit ate my last Yosuke hate post so i'll try again
Endearing, yet entitled teenage cringe is my new favorite subgenre.
I drop everything as soon as I see one of these guys in a dungeon
Dragqueenmerch dot com using ChatGPT to generate shop descriptions for the S17 girlies
what's your opinion with straight ace attorney sex
as a lesbian, I feel we were robbed of Early Access soft-butch-with-a-gay-ass-haircut Minthara
Get off this app and go read a book, you silly billy
A Colonist Background Query
The Grammys help
Does he know the Investigation Team SL is only at rank 7? Is he stupid? stupid fucking useless twink. the game won't end in August dipshit
Just want to remind you all of this because we mustn’t forget. When Megami said ‘protect queer art’ this is EXACTLY what she meant.
What Might Will Have Shouted About Heismay, Junah, Eupha, or Basilio During This Scene?
Facts,my boys
You don't get it dad I'm a femcel
The most random way to watch the p3 movies was found
I randomized the Investigations One cast!
The new Patch 8 Vlaakith romance goes crazy
ME2 Mod Question
Every Persona 4 Golden Arcana rated (Part 4/4). Early Access edition.
Does knocking people out affect Leave No One Left Behind..?